Monday, December 13, 2010

Motoring Slowly in Light Winds

We are motoring slowly along in these very light winds. We have a 4 to 5 ft. swell on the beam which keeps us rolling. It's a bit irritating. But the sun is shining today and the night was full of stars last night (I had the 1-6 a.m. watch). One bit of excitement yesterday when we tried the spinnaker. We had perfect conditions for it and it was only up for about one minute when the shackle at the top of the sail snapped. We watch in horror as the massive sail fell into the sea. Mike was able to muscle it back on deck and stuff it back in the sail bag. We're screwed if we can't figure out a way to jury rig it. We were really looking forward to using it a LOT on this voyage.

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1 comment:

  1. I seem to recall someone using several loops of parachute cord to replace a shackle. Chris R Morton
